V o l u n t e e r

Serve at Citizens

At Citizens Church, we ask that all interested in volunteering sit under the study of God's Word for a minimum of six months. This allows us to get to know you, you to get to know us, and a time to catch the  vision for this ministry. If you are interested in serving at Citizens, please fill out the information form below to get started.  

Volunteer FAQ

How do I volunteer?

Sit under the teaching at Citizens for six months, minimum.
Print & fill out the ministry application found here.
Read our beliefs + Calvary Distinctives here.

How do I volunteer with kids?

Sit under the teaching at Citizens for six months, minimum.
Children are a vulnerable people group. Therefore,  a police check + vulnerable sector check is needed in addition to the ministry application & agreement with our beliefs.  To proceed, click below.

How do I serve in worship?

Sit under the teaching at Citizens for six months, minimum.
Print & fill out the ministry application, speak with a worship leader.  
Read & agree to Our Beliefs + Calvary Distinctives here.

How do I volunteer with hospitality?

Are you new to Citizens? This is a great jumping off point to serve.
Join the rotating baking schedule to share treats on Sundays. You can also volunteer to be trained for the coffee/tea bar on Sundays and/or help serve + cook for church brunches + potlucks.

Interested in serving at our church?

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

Get Started.

We love to clarify volunteering requirements. Please reach out if you still have questions.

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